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Should You File a Lawsuit for a Medical Device Injury?

Going to a hospital is scary, but it should come with some degree of reassurance that you’ll receive the best care and attention from the doctors and nurses present. Depending on your condition, you may require the use of one if not multiple medical devices, some even being implanted into your body with the intent of providing you with a better quality of life. 

However, even with good intentions, there may be some mistakes that can jeopardize your condition. Medical malpractice complaints can happen more often than you think. If you believe you’ve been a victim, contact a professional lawyer who has knowledge and practice regarding medical malpractice cases. 

If you’re unsure about taking legal action right now, here are some scenarios where you can build a case and when it’s reasonable to file a lawsuit.

Evident Injury From A Medical Device

Medical technology has been developed over the years in order to create a better experience for patients, with many devices used as tools to help in diagnosing and treating a patient. For example, gastrointestinal scopes are used to diagnose a patient that may have a worrying health problem by the esophagus, stomach, or intestines.

However, there can be some medical devices that can suddenly malfunction and cause evident injuries under closer inspection. Most of these injuries can be internal infections or issues that can threaten one’s life. Under these risks and circumstances, litigation should certainly be pursued.

Untested Medical Devices

Another case that would require a medical malpractice complaint involving medical devices is whether it’s been tested or not. All kinds of treatment options and methodologies are being created and developed every day, but some don’t undergo the proper rounds of testing and trial to ensure their safety.

This may be most common when it comes to birth control and IUDs. There is some gray area on whether or not a medical practitioner is in the wrong or whether the manufacturer of the medical device is liable for any difficulties that a patient may undergo. You should consult a lawyer to determine the exact type of lawsuit that should be pursued. These legal professionals will be able to angle your case in a way that increases the chances of success.

Surgical Complications

Surgical robots have been tried and tested in the past, with plenty of disappointing results. Although there have been a few success stories, these AI has been connected to many cases of bleeding, punctures, and other wrongful complications that can be hard to deal with.

Medical devices that are surgically implanted into different parts of the body can also be a cause of concern for some. When implanted negligently, a patient can be subject to life-threatening infections and metal poisoning.

Other Potential Reasons for Med Mal Lawsuit

Other reasons for filing a medical malpractice lawsuit can also be because of a lack of optimal care from a medical professional, which, in turn, generally leads the patient to an unfavorable position. When someone suffers and goes into debt for that poor service, it’s only justified to have compensation to cover for those damages in the end. 


Medical bills can be a considerable expense that’s tough to deal with. Under every circumstance, it’s essential for compromised patients to file a lawsuit and ensure that negligent medical professionals are held accountable for their actions. 

If you’re looking for brain injury attorneys in New York City, call Ronemus & Vilensky. We are accident and malpractice lawyers in New York that help protect your legal rights and maximize compensation for medical malpractice. Request a free consultation today!