
What to Know About Zantac Lawsuits: Who Can File Them?

Thousands of people in the United States and Canada alone have used Zantac for several years for self-treatment of acid indigestion or heartburn. That was until 2019, when drugmaker Sanofi voluntarily recalled the over-the-counter medication.

Since then, Zantac cancer attorneys have started scouring the Internet for prospective victims. Many lawyers believe the cases surrounding the medication in question will be among the most significant class-action lawsuits ever filed.

In this article, we will be tackling the purpose of these class action lawsuits. Do you think you might have a Zantac claim? Let’s find out.

What is the Reason for Zantac’s Recall?

Zantac has been recalled because lab testing and analysis revealed that ranitidine, the medicine’s primary component, may contain dangerously high amounts of NDMA (N-nitrosodimethylamine).

The FDA classifies NDMA as a probable human carcinogen. For years, both brand and generic Zantac have been marketed over-the-counter, but makers and merchants were unaware that it contained significant quantities of the chemical.

As a result, Zantac and other medicines containing ranitidine have been recalled in Canada, France, and other European countries. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a public health alert, although no forced recall has been ordered. Despite this, major stores like CVS, Walgreens, and others in the United States have opted to remove Zantac and generic ranitidine products from their shelves.

Drugmakers of brand and generic Zantac have also stated shortly after the NDMA discovery that they voluntarily recalled their medicines.

What Kind of Cancer Is Caused by Zantac?

In animal lab tests, NDMA has frequently caused cancer. In fact, it has been linked as a cause of certain types of cancer, though it can increase the risk of all types of cancer. Liver cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, and other gastrointestinal system cancers are the types most closely linked to NDMA consumption.

What Can Happen to Long-term Users of Zantac?

In some cases, people who have regularly consumed the medication in question in the past may experience a wide range of adverse health complications, including the development of bladder, liver, and kidney cancers. Other health conditions that they may experience include hepatitis, liver problems, nervous system disorders, low blood platelet levels, vitamin deficiencies, skin rashes, hair loss, and respiratory distress.

Who Can File Zantac Lawsuits?

Hundreds of Zantac product liability cases have already been filed in the United States, with hundreds more likely in the coming years. 

Almost anyone who used Zantac (or a generic ranitidine medication) every day over a lengthy period and was later diagnosed with cancer might be a potential Zantac plaintiff. 


It is critical to seek the advice of a skilled legal practitioner if you or a loved one has suffered cancer or other life-threatening illnesses after taking Zantac or other similar products with ranitidine. People need to realize that there is still more to discover in many pharmaceutical drugs. And if reports about the possible dangers of a drug emerge, they have the right to hold these firms accountable for the harm they have caused.

You can quickly get qualified representation for Zantac lawsuits if you approach an expert accident lawyer. If you are in New York, you can contact Ronemus & Vilensky today for a free consultation!