teen driving

Are Parents Liable for Accidents of Their Driving Teens?

Aside from the priceless, invaluable state of human lives, accidents involving a teenage driver will also put property damage into the picture. Situations like this end up having parents wonder as to whether or not they are liable for their child’s damages. 

Read on to find out more about the driving accidents of teens and what role parents play. That way, when you reach out to a car accident attorney, you will be better prepared with all the facts.

Car Crashes Involving Teens

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds that teenage car crashes make for a higher rate than other age groups. When teenagers cause car crashes, there are several factors involved. Experience, lack of maturity, and confidence are just some of them.

Common factors which contribute to teen car crashes include, but are not limited to:

  • Aggressive driving patterns such as tailgating
  • Distracted driving from being on their cell phone (talking or texting)
  • Driving under the influence (DUI) of illicit drugs or alcohol
  • Inadequate response to weather conditions
  • Not obeying road and traffic conditions
  • Speeding too quickly for the surroundings

What the New York Law Says

For the most part, parents are liable for car crashes caused by their teenage children. 

The New York Vehicle and Traffic Law 388 says every owner of a vehicle operated or used in the state is both liable and responsible for the injuries and death to a person or property. That’s as long as the person with negligent actions was operating or using the vehicle with the permission of the owner.

So, under the law, the liability falls to the vehicle owner, no matter who is driving the vehicle. In cases where the owner’s teenager is behind the wheel and causes an accident, the driver and the parents of the driver will be held accountable for the resulting damage. This law applies as long as the parents gave permission to the teenager to drive the vehicle.

Same Standard for All Drivers Regardless of Age

When a licensed driver has a motor vehicle and operates it, there is a duty of care owed to others on the road, pedestrians included. No matter how old they are, the same legal standard applies to all motorists to exercise caution and road regulations. 

When a driver ends up breaching this duty through recklessness or negligence, the result usually involves considerable damage. The driver who caused the crash needs to call on an accident lawyer since they are responsible for the resulting damages.

Again, vehicle owners are liable for accidents when they result from the operation or use of a vehicle, regardless if they were the ones driving or not.


When teenagers get into an accident, there are several factors involved, such as lack of maturity and recklessness. Accidents are usually caused by situations such as driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs and alcohol or speeding too quickly for the surroundings. According to New York Law, the legal liability of teenage car crashes falls to the owner of the vehicle, which is commonly their parents.

Looking to hire an auto accident lawyer in New York, NY? Ronemus & Vilensky is a reputable accident and malpractice attorney that can help you arrive at the best possible decision in auto accident cases.