
Dog Bite Claims for Children: What You Need to Know

Dogs are widely known as “man’s best friend”. A well-trained dog can be a loyal companion and friend, however, having an unexpected encounter with a strange dog may also turn out to be a dangerous situation. This may be especially true in the case of children. Youngsters may be instantly attracted to dogs and may want to instinctively go and pet them, whether they know the dog or not. Some dogs may have been trained to attack strangers. On the other hand, an untrained dog may feel threatened and may attempt to bite anyone who gets too close. Children who may not realize this may find themselves in extreme danger if they try to approach the dog.

If your child has been bitten by someone else’s dog, aside from worrying about the effects the dog bite may have on your child, you may also be worried about who will take care of your child’s medical bills. Luckily, under New York State law, you may be able to file a personal injury claim to hold the dog owner accountable for your child’s injury and get compensation for the expenses you incurred.

Dog Bite Claims for Children: What You Need to Know

Being the victim of a dog attack may be more complicated than one may think. The person may be left with emotional trauma and a lifetime fear of dogs after the attack. This trauma may be multiplied a hundredfold if the victim is a child. 

Who Can Be Held Accountable for the Attack? 

Before anything else, it is important to look into who is to blame for the attack. The person who holds the responsibility to stop dog attacks from happening is the owner of the dog. They should be responsible to train their dog not to attack people. In a very densely populated city like New York, it is inevitable for other people to come to close contact with the dog. The dog owner should be responsible enough to train their pet properly or to put them on a leash or in a cage to prevent accidents from happening.

If the Dog is Classified as a Dangerous Dog

The dog owner may be held liable for the first incident when their dog has attacked people. They may also be responsible for the second and subsequent bites inflicted by their pets. Usually, for the first time that the dog bites someone, the dog owner should be responsible for the person’s medical bills. As for the second and subsequent bites, the p[enalties may be much heavier if the dog is found to have bitten people in the past.. In this case, the dog owner will also be held liable for the medical expenses, lost wages, and any pain and suffering of the victim.

Who You Should Contact After an Attack

After a dog attack, contacting a personal injury lawyer will be your best bet. These professionals will look into the exact circumstances of your case and try to get compensation for what happened. 


Seeking medical attention should be your first priority if your child gets bitten by a dog. Right after you are assured that their condition is stable, contacting a New York personal injury lawyer should be your next course of action. Personal injury lawyers will investigate your case further and look into how you may be able to receive compensation for the unfortunate incident that happened.

If you need the services of a personal injury and accident lawyer, come to Ronemus and Vilensky. We are a team of accident and malpractice attorneys who specialize in (personal injury, civil rights, medical malpractice, fire injury, drug manufacturers, traumatic brain injury, sexual harassment, construction accidents, auto accidents, train accidents, lead exposure, environmental accidents, gas explosions, and animal attacks. Contact us today and get the best personal injury lawyers on your side!