nyc train

Train Accidents in New York: Common Causes and What to Do After One

Most individuals that rely on mass transit systems have trains as their go-to method of transportation. This can be a far more sensible transportation solution versus other common transportation methods, like driving their own car or taking a cab. In addition, trains are still much safer to hop into as compared to driving your own vehicle! 

As safe as it might sound, however, this does not mean that accidents do not happen. With more and more news about train accidents occurring, those who rely so heavily on trains are increasingly concerned about their safety when taking such transportation solutions. When they do happen, contacting a personal injury lawyer is one thing that should be done, as they may be eligible for compensation.

With that being said, here are the possible causes of train accidents, along with what you should after one:

The Causes of Train Accidents

There are many causes of train accidents. 

One of the most common causes is the lack of maintenance on the train, the rails, and other train-related aspects. For instance, train doors that are not well maintained can easily fail to close or may close too early. This can cause someone to fall out or be caught by the door, thus causing injuries. Another example of this is when the controls aren’t properly maintained. This can cause the controls to be unresponsive to the conductor’s actions, leading to severe accidents like collisions or even derailing! Train derailments can also be caused by poorly maintained rail systems. Although not all derailment is serious, some of these can lead to injured passengers and possibly worse.

Unfortunately, poor maintenance isn’t the only cause of train accidents. Another cause of train accidents is when people get on the tracks. Some individuals may hop onto the tracks in an attempt to commit suicide, while others unintentionally fall onto the tracks because they lost their balance! Regardless, if a train fails to stop quick enough, those in the train’s way will perish. Even if the train stops quick enough, the passengers on the train may be thrown around because of the sudden deceleration, leading to injuries.

What to Do After a Train Accident

If you find yourself just having been through a train accident, the first thing you should be doing is reaching out to a staff member for any assistance. Staff members are responsible for calling the ambulance, and so calling them quickly allows for help to arrive as soon as possible. 

If you notice any witnesses outside, ask them what they saw and jot down their name and contact information. This way, you and your lawyer can talk to them about the accident! 

Finally, reach out to a personal injury attorney to help file a claim for the accident. You have approximately 90 days to file from the day of the accident, so acting quickly is vital to get the financial help needed to cover for injuries and other consequences.


While some train accidents only cause minimal damages and injuries, a few others can have massive consequences. Regardless of the accident’s severity, if you have incurred any injury because of it, filing a personal injury claim is a must if you do not want to be financially liable for your injuries. 

Reaching out to a personal injury lawyer allows you to increase your chances of successfully carrying out the claim, not to mention claim the amount you deserve! Remember to act quickly after a train accident to ensure enough time is had to carry out a claim, whether you or your loved one is the one in the train accident.

Ronemus & Vilensky is an accident and malpractice attorney with expertise in various areas. From civil rights issues to sexual harassment complaints, we do everything we can to help victims claim the damages they deserve. If you are looking for train accident lawyers in New York to make a claim, contact us today!