brain injury scan

Traumatic Brain Injuries: What Are the Leading Causes?

While you may think that head injuries aren’t common, you’d be surprised to know that they often occur. In fact, nearly 1 in 4 Americans have reported having suffered a concussion at some point in their lives. This is why it isn’t at all surprising that accident lawyers for brain and head injuries are so in demand. 

Given how common these incidents are, it’s alarming that many people don’t know as much as they should when it comes to brain injuries. To help remedy this dilemma, we’ll be breaking down traumatic brain injuries and discussing the most common causes for them:

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Head injuries vary wildly in severity. Minor ones can result in mild bumps or bruises that are a nuisance but don’t really threaten a person’s health. However, more serious head injuries can cause traumatic brain injuries (TBI). 

In the most severe cases, TBIs lead to life-long complications that completely alter the lives of the victims. What’s more worrisome about this is how common these types of injuries are. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, around 5.3 million people in the United States currently live with disabilities linked to TBIs.

Leading Causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Considering how serious these injuries are, it is in your best interest to prevent them from ever occurring. To help you avoid these injuries, we’ve put together a list of the leading causes of traumatic brain injuries. Hopefully, this information proves to be helpful when it comes to ensuring this never happens to you.

Here are the leading causes for TBIs:

  1. Falls: Falls make up around 47% of TBIs, with children and the elderly making up the most at-risk group for falls. The elderly, in particular, are susceptible to falling due to their hampered physical capabilities.
  2. Blunt Force: Being struck by an object causes 15% of all TBIs. This can mean being unintentionally struck by another person or accidents such as debris falling on a person’s head or getting hit by a rogue ball during a sporting event.
  3. Car Accidents: Unsurprisingly, car accidents have also made it to this list. Car accidents make up 14% of all TBIs, which account for around 200,000 brain injuries as a result of car accidents every year.
  4. Assault: TBIs resulting from intentional harm done to a victim by another person makes up 9% of all TBIs. Now, it’s important to note that this is a catch-all category that includes different causes, such as gunshot wounds and other acts of violence.
  5. Unknown Causes: One of the more worrisome causes in this list makes up around 8% of all TBIs. There are some cases wherein medical professionals aren’t able to pinpoint the exact reason for the injury, and they cannot remedy it.
  6. Other Unrelated Occurrences: TBIs are erratic in nature, meaning that a wide range of accidents or occurrences can cause them. 7% of TBIs don’t fall under any of the other main categories as they are too random to classify.


Hopefully, this article has given you valuable information on traumatic brain injuries. If you ever experience any form of head injury, it would be in your best interest to seek medical attention immediately as it can be quite difficult to determine the severity of an injury without the aid of medical professionals.

At the law offices of Ronemus & Vilensky, we will go the extra mile to win the damages and help get you the financial compensation that you deserve. If you are in need of a brain injury lawyer in New York City, do not hesitate to contact us at (212) 779-7070 today!