fire damage

Understanding Filing a Fire Injury Claim—What to Know

When people experience a fire in their homes or workplace, plenty of damages could occur, which affect their finances and physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and property’s condition. The personal injury resulting from the fire incident often leads the victim to file a lawsuit against another party to receive just compensation.

If you’re renting a unit in an apartment building where the fire happened, you could file for a tenant’s lawsuit to seek repayment for the traumatic experience you’ve been through. Keep reading below to find out more information about fire accidents and the damages they involve.

Types of Fire Injury Cases

Depending on your situation, you can expect to learn fire damage claims which you may file against the party at fault. Often, it can include negligence or arson. Other times, it can also involve different fire damage lawsuits that you can still acquire recompense for.

The most well-known fire damage claims people encounter are gas and explosion fires due to faulty gas lines or leaks from poor installation, lack of maintenance, or repairs. Your electrical system can also cause a fire because of its malfunctioning wiring.

A property’s water heater or furnace can ignite a fire because of its unreliable installation and maintenance too. If there are defective electronic devices present within the vicinity, such as smartphones, appliances, and other equipment, they could also produce fire.

What Causes Fire Damage Claims?

If you recently faced a fire in your rental unit and accumulated significant injuries, you can file a claim against the management for their negligence to care for the occupants affected. Buildings without reliable systems and tools like fire sprinklers, fire alarms, fire escapes, and smoke detectors are in danger of facing the consequences of their carelessness.

Meanwhile, if another tenant initiates the fire due to what they’re cooking in the kitchen or the cigarette they unconsciously threw into the trash bin, you can still file a lawsuit against them. Since a fire incident happens in a lot of ways, several people are usually held liable for the damage, losses, and trauma.

Who is Responsible for Fire Accident Damages?

It is complicated to pinpoint who is the liability or the person at fault in the event of a fire damage. During instances where nature is involved, such as a wildfire or a forest fire caused by lightning and extreme heat, there may not be a party that can be considered responsible.

Although plenty of fire accidents are unintentional, depending on the situation, any person involved can be called a potential defendant. If you are experiencing a fire damage lawsuit, you should hire an accident lawyer to defend you and increase your chances of winning the case.

Some of the most common reasons a fire occurs are malfunctioning products, negligence, and intentional actions, leading to fire injuries and property damages. The parties you could file a fire injury claim against are the rental property owner, the contractor, the seller of the defective materials, or the manufacturers of the malfunctioning products.


Facing a fire damage claim is difficult for all parties involved because, more often than not, those who are at fault will strive to find a way out of the mess they started by working with the best lawyers. You must hire a professional to work for you too and defend you since it’s your right to receive compensation for the injuries and damages you faced from a fire, regardless if it’s an accident or an intentional situation.

Are you looking to file a tenant lawsuit in New York against the owner of your rental unit? Ronemus & Vilensky is an accident and malpractice law firm that deals with claims involving personal injury, civil rights, medical malpractice, fire injury, sexual harassment, and more. Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation!